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Kontakt aufnehmen
  • We would like to invite the BrillLe Theater. What conditions should be created?
    You don't need more than a free playing area and two separate power circuits. You can see below how large this playing area should be. Otherwise, we provide lighting, sound, and stage design - so it's a worry-free package. In return, we appreciate a warm and personal reception. For more details, simply request our performance information.
  • What are your main areas of focus?
    Of course, this varies from play to play, but what they all have in common is the question of what makes people strong. Our theater always has an educational aspect. We hope that the stories will encourage reflection on oneself and life, and to have the courage to lovingly and responsibly shape society. To see how this looks in each individual case, it is best to take a closer look at each play specifically. The Christmas Lights (3-8 years) The Christmas story - told interreligiously Ringa von Rattenau (3-8 years) On respect and self-acceptance How angels learn to fly (5-11 years) What kind of celebration is Christmas? Tasty bear (5-11 years) On dealing with adversity and confidence Cube bread (8-12 years) Autism - what is »normal«? Learn to fly with Peter Pan (10-14 years) Become a mother to yourself and always be a child
  • How can we get tickets for a performance?
    Usually, the BrilLe Theater is not the organiser. That's why we list the contact details for every guest performance where you can get the tickets. If that doesn't work out - we all always have so much on our minds :) - feel free to contact us. We can then certainly help you further.
  • Which piece is for which age?
    Age per play The Christmas Lights 3-8J Ringa von Rattenau 3-8J How angels learn to fly 5-11j Tasty for 5-11j Cube Bread 8-12Y Learn to fly with Peter Pan 10-14y
  • How many guests can watch?
    Since we are interactive, we typically recommend allowing 150-200 guests per performance. Of course, some rooms allow for much larger auditoriums, which is not a problem for us. It's best if we discuss this on a case-by-case basis.
  • How much does a performance cost?
    Here you will find a list of our prices. Although of course not the price, but the content should decide. There are always ways to make something happen, if the desire is there. We have ideas. Talk to us. We calculate our prices by allowing the organizers to stay with an admission price of less than €10 per child and by trying to get fair fees for all travelers, the theater office and the maintenance of the equipment . Fees The Christmas Lights (team size: 2) 560 € Ringa von Rattenau (team size: 2) 560 € How angels learn to fly (team size: 3) 790 € Tasty för (team size: 3) 790 € Cube bread (team size: 4) 950€ Learn to fly with Peter Pan (team size: 4) 950 € If we play several performances at your place, each additional performance that starts no longer than 1 1/2 hours after the end of the previous performance at the same location will only cost half the fee. We can play up to three performances a day. If you want to invite more than 200 guests per performance, please contact us, because this affects the game, the equipment and possibly also the fee.
  • Everything about COVID-19
    What happens in case of cancellation due to COVID-19? In our contract, you will find the following: In the event of the event being cancelled due to force majeure, such as natural disasters, epidemics, etc., this contract becomes void. This means that you are not taking any risk when you sign a contract with us, and the performance cannot take place due to new safety measures.
Alles rund um COVID-19
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